Once upon a time, there was a traveler named Jack who was on his way to attend a conference in downtown. He was carrying his laptop and all his important documents, including his passport, neatly organized in his suitcase. He had made a reservation at a convenient hotel near the airport and was looking forward to his seminar the next day.

As Jack arrived at the airport, he realized he had left his cell phone at home. He quickly called his waiter from the airport cafeteria but to no avail. He decided to call his coworker for help and his coworker informed him that he could obtain a replacement phone from the nearby downtown media store. Jack hopped on a subway and headed to the store.
While at the media store, Jack was assisted by a friendly technician who showed him the latest compact cell phones. Jack was impressed with the upgraded models and decided to buy one. The technician handed him an invoice and Jack made the payment using his credit card. The technician handed him a receipt and Jack was on his way back to the hotel.
As Jack settled in at the hotel, he received a notification from the receptionist regarding an upcoming workshop. He was excited to attend and quickly made his way to the lobby to inquire about the details. The receptionist handed him a brochure which he carefully read, underlining the important points.

The next day, Jack was up and ready for his seminar. He arrived at the conference center early and was greeted by the instructor. Jack was impressed by the instructor’s explanatory skills and by the end of the seminar, he felt like he had learned a lot.
After the seminar, Jack decided to treat himself to a nice meal at a downtown restaurant. He was greeted by a friendly waiter who showed him to his table. Jack ordered his food and sat back to enjoy his meal. As he was about to take his first bite, he realized he had left his cell phone at the restaurant. He quickly called the waiter, who informed him that the phone was safely in the possession of the restaurant’s receptionist. Jack breathed a sigh of relief and finished his meal, grateful for the restaurant’s convenient services.
The rest of Jack’s vacation was uneventful, and he returned home with great memories and a new cell phone. He wrote a memo to himself to always double-check his belongings before leaving and to always carry an umbrella in case of rain. And from that day on, Jack lived happily ever after, never forgetting the valuable lessons he learned on his conference vacation.

📌conference (n.) 會議;大會 📌vacation (n.) 假期;休假 📌client (n.) 客戶;顧客 📌e-book (n.) 電子書 📌airport (n.) 機場 📌memo (n.) 便條;備忘錄 📌reservation (n.) 預訂;預約 📌logical (adj.) 邏輯的;合理的 📌fax (n.) 傳真 📌o'clock (adv.) 整點;準時 📌sincerely (adv.) 誠摯地;真誠地 📌sometime (adv.) 有時;某時 📌website (n.) 網站 📌supervisor (n.) 主管;監督者 📌candidate (n.) 候選人;應徵者 📌refund (n.) 退款;退費 📌goods (n.) 貨物;商品 📌workshop (n.) 工作坊;研討會 📌downtown (n.) 市區;市中心 📌deadline (n.) 最後期限;截止日期 📌invoice (n.) 發票;帳單 📌brochure (n.) 宣傳冊;小冊子 📌noon (n.) 中午;正午 📌accountant (n.) 會計師 📌clerk (n.) 職員;文員 📌lobby (n.) 大廳;等候室 📌publish (v.) 出版;發布 📌résumé (n.) 個人簡歷;簡介 📌enclose (v.) 附上;附件 📌applicant (n.) 申請人;應徵者 📌seminar (n.) 研討會;研討班 📌technician (n.) 技術員;專業人員 📌cloth (n.) 布料;織物 📌fare (n.) 費用;運費 📌umbrella (n.) 雨傘 📌inference (n.) 推論;推斷 📌cellphone (n.) 手機 📌compact (adj.) 精簡的;小巧的 📌merchandise (n.) 商品;貨物 📌receptionist (n.) 接待員 📌dentist (n.) 牙醫 📌identification (n.) 身份證明;識別 📌coupon (n.) 優惠券 📌depart (v.) 離開 📌reschedule (v.) 重新安排;改期 📌tactic (n.) 策略;手段 📌renovation (n.) 翻新;整修 📌upgrade (v./n.) 升級;提高 📌precede (v.) 領先;在…之前 📌replacement (n.) 替換;替代品 📌dine (v.) 吃飯;用餐 📌passport (n.) 護照 📌coworker (n.) 同事 📌upcoming (adj.) 即將到來的 📌cabinet (n.) 櫥櫃;政府部門 📌appliance (n.) 家用電器 📌explanatory (adj.) 解釋的;闡述的 📌instructor (n.) 講師;指導員 📌keyboard (n.) 鍵盤 📌media (n.) 媒體 📌supermarket (n.) 超級市場 📌valid (adj.) 有效的;合法的 📌admission (n.) 入場費;承認 📌laptop (n.) 筆記型電腦 📌underline (v./n.) 加下划線;強調