【生活英文】從「Thank you」走出來:20種更有力的英文表達方式

感謝 生活英文 thank you

本文介紹了20種不同於「Thank you」的英文表達感謝的方式。內文列出了20句經典的表達感謝的語句,如「I really appreciate it」、「I’m grateful for your help」、「You’re a lifesaver」等等。這些語句不僅比「Thank you」更有力,也更能表達出對他人幫助的真摯感謝。這篇文章對於想要提升英文表達能力的人,或是想要尋找更有力的表達感謝的方式的人,都有很大的幫助。

📙I really appreciate it.

🖌e.g., I really appreciate it for taking the time to help me with my project.
🖌例句: 我非常感謝您花時間幫助我完成我的專案。

📙I’m grateful for your help.

🖌e.g., I'm grateful for your help with the presentation yesterday. It was a great success.
🖌例句: 我對您昨天在簡報上的幫助表示深深的感激,那是一次很成功的簡報。

📙I owe you one.

🖌e.g., Thanks for lending me your car. I owe you one.
🖌例句: 謝謝您借給我您的車,我欠您一次。

📙You’re a lifesaver.

🖌e.g., You're a lifesaver for fixing my computer at the last minute.
🖌例句: 您在最後一分鐘修好了我的電腦,您就是救命恩人。

📙I couldn’t have done it without you.

🖌e.g., I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for being there for me.

📙You made my day.

🖌e.g., You made my day by bringing me my favorite coffee. 

📙You’re the best.

🖌e.g., You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had. 

📙I’m in your debt.

🖌e.g., I’m in your debt for lending me the money I needed. 

📙I couldn’t be more thankful.

🖌e.g., I couldn’t be more thankful for your support during my difficult time. 

📙Your kindness means the world to me.

🖌e.g., Your kindness means the world to me, thank you for always being there for me.

📙Your help was greatly appreciated.

🖌e.g., Your help was greatly appreciated, I couldn't have done it without you.

📙I’m so grateful for your assistance.

🖌e.g., I'm so grateful for your assistance, you really made a big difference.
感謝 生活英文 thank you

📙I couldn’t have done it without you.

🖌e.g., I couldn't have done it without you, thank you for your help.

📙Your generosity knows no bounds.

🖌e.g., Your generosity knows no bounds, thank you for always being so kind.

📙You made a big difference.

🖌e.g., You made a big difference in my life, I will always be thankful for your support.

📙I’m humbled by your kindness.

🖌e.g., I'm humbled by your kindness and the help you provided, thank you so much.

📙You are a true friend.

🖌e.g., You are a true friend, always there for me through thick and thin.

📙I’m so lucky to have you in my life.

🖌e.g., I'm so lucky to have you in my life, you bring so much joy and happiness to me.

📙You went the extra mile.

🖌e.g., Thank you for going the extra mile to help me finish the project on time.

📙Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.

🖌e.g., I want to thank you for remembering my birthday, your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.