
Stationery跟Stationary cover

Stationery” 就像是給文字添上色彩的材料,它是寫作必備的工具,就像紙張、信封、筆和鉛筆…等文具!而 “Stationary” 是指一個不移動的、堅定的,它指的是物體不會移動。

📙Stationery (n.) 文具、優質信紙信封

🖌e.g., I need to buy some new stationery for my desk.
🖌e.g., The store has a wide selection of stationery, including pens, paper, and notebooks.

📙Stationary (adj.) 靜止的

🖌e.g., The traffic became more sluggish until it finally came to a stationary halt.
🖌e.g., The bird was stationary in the air for a moment before it flew away.
Stationary cars