
Hogwarts Legacy


《Hogwarts Legacy》 immerses players in an exciting action role-playing adventure set in Harry Potter’s wizarding universe. They play the part of a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, embarking on a journey of self-discovery while learning the ways of magic and exploring the legendary magical world of Hogwarts.

One of the game’s distinguishing elements is its unique tale, set in the late 1800s, which offers players a new and intriguing viewpoint on the world of Harry Potter. Players will be immersed in an immersive and compelling plot that is adapted to the world of Hogwarts. They will meet new and old people, explore iconic locales, and dive into the secrets of the wizarding world, all while forging their own destiny.

The game is intended to provide a totally immersive experience in which players will feel as if they are living life as a wizard at Hogwarts. Players will embark on an action-packed journey full of magic and adventure, with a focus on character customization, player choice, and a large environment to explore. Whether they specialize in divination, herbology, or another sort of magic, players will be able to explore the wizarding world in a whole new manner and tell their own unique tale inside the Harry Potter universe.





Hogwarts Legacy


📌legacy (n.) 遺產;遺贈;傳統
📙e.g., The wealthy philanthropist left a substantial legacy to fund education initiatives in the city.
📌Wizardry (n.) 巫術;魔術;魔法
📙e.g., The wizard's wizardry made the audience gasp in amazement.
📌embark (v.) 上船;登機;啟程
📙e.g., They embarked on their journey to explore the uncharted territories.
📌legendary (adj.) 傳奇的;富有傳奇色彩的
📙e.g., King Arthur and his legendary sword Excalibur are known throughout the world.
(亞瑟王和他傳奇的劍 Excalibur 在世界各地都很有名。)
📌distinguish (v.) 區別;辨別;使不同
📙e.g., It is difficult to distinguish between the two types of mushrooms without close inspection.
📌immersive (adj.) 沈浸式的;使人沈浸的
📙e.g., The virtual reality headset provides an immersive experience for the user.
Hogwarts Legacy
📌plot (n.) 情節;劇情;圖表
📙e.g., The plot of the movie kept the audience on the edge of their seats.
📌iconic (adj.) 具有代表性的;標志性的
📙e.g., The Eiffel Tower is an iconic landmark of Paris.
📌forge (v.) 鍛造;偽造;篡改
📙e.g., The blacksmith was able to forge a sword from a piece of raw metal.
📌herbology (n.) 草藥學;草本學
📙e.g., In the wizarding world, herbology is a subject of study that covers the growth and uses of magical plants.
📌divination (n.) 占卜;預言
📙e.g., In the wizarding world, divination is a form of magic that involves predicting the future through various methods.
📌universe (n.) 宇宙;世界
📙e.g., The universe is vast and contains an endless amount of stars, galaxies, and other celestial objects.