【時事英文】Google 搜尋『隕石』將會出現彩蛋動畫

meteor and meteorite

We’re not going to sugarcoat it: finding Easter eggs on websites and games can be a little distracting in the middle of the day, but it’s 10 minutes well-spent. Google Search has already planted numerous to amuse site users, and you’ll be pleased to discover that there’s another one you can access with a simple keyword: a meteorite speeding across your screen.

Simply typing “meteorite” (隕石) into the Google Search engine homepage will bring up a meteorite animation. For the complete meteorite impact experience, its impact on the lower right area of your screen will generate a minor tremor.

📌meteorite (n.) 隕石;流星石
📙e.g., The meteorite was found to be over 4 billion years old, making it one of the oldest objects on Earth.
📌sugarcoat (v.) 掩飾
📙e.g., The CEO tried to sugarcoat the company's poor financial performance in the annual report.
📌Easter egg (n.) 復活節彩蛋
📙e.g., The game developers included a hidden Easter egg that can be unlocked by performing a specific sequence of actions.
📌numerous (adj.) 許多的;眾多的
📙e.g., The park was filled with numerous families enjoying the beautiful weather on the weekend.
📌amuse (v.) 逗樂;使消遣
📙e.g., The magician amused the audience with his clever tricks.
📌animation (n.) 動畫
📙e.g., The animation was well-received by both children and adults alike.
📌tremor (n.) 震動;震顫
📙e.g., The residents felt a tremor as the earthquake hit the city.
📌Meteoroid (n.) 流星碎片;流星體
📙e.g., Meteoroids are small pieces of cosmic debris that travel through space.
📌Asteroid (n.) 小行星
📙e.g., Scientists study asteroids to learn more about the formation of the solar system.
📌Meteor (n.) 流星
📙e.g., Meteors are created when a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere and burns up due to friction.