
📌humidity (n.) 濕度
🖌e.g., The humidity is very high today, making it feel quite muggy.
📌cold wave / cold snap (n.) 寒流 
🖌e.g., The forecast predicts that the cold wave will last for several days.
📌precipitation (n.) 降水
🖌e.g., The precipitation forecast for tomorrow is a 40% chance of rain.
📌temperature (n.) 溫度
🖌e.g., The temperature is expected to reach a high of 90 degrees today.
📌wind (n.) 風
🖌e.g., The wind is blowing at a steady 20 mph.
📌cloudy (adj.) 陰天的
🖌e.g., The forecast says it will be mostly cloudy with a chance of rain.
📌sunny (adj.) 晴朗的
🖌e.g., Today is going to be a beautiful sunny day.