We don’t need to tell you how popular Boba tea (also known as bubble tea) is among millennials and young people. The distinctive sweet and tangy drink gained popularity in 2020. Posing on Instagram with a large glass of bubble tea has since become a sign of wealth. But do you know the backstory to this wildly famous beverage? Today’s Google doodle is all about it, and it’s just as delicious as the drink itself.
The Google doodle includes an animated game in which the user may prepare a glass of bubble tea. The doodle is quite charming, with a cute dog wearing a chef’s hat.

Let us now tell you a fun truth about this doodle. The doodle, according to Google’s blog, contains Taiwan’s indigenous Formosan Mountain Dog as well as a slew of popular Doodle characters! The drink was invented in Taiwan in the 17th century. However, it wasn’t until the 1980s when the bubble tea that we all love was invented. Bubble tea has become a worldwide phenomenon thanks to the Taiwanese immigrants who introduced it.
📙 bubble tea (n.)珍珠奶茶 📙 popularity (n.) 流行 📙 distinctive (adj.) 獨特的 📙 tangy (adj.) 濃郁的 📙 beverage (n.) 飲料 📙 millennial (n.) 千禧一代 📙 Google doodle (n.) 谷歌塗鴉 📙 prepare (v.) 準備 📙 charming (adj.) 迷人的 📙 chef's hat (n.) 廚師帽 📙 indigenous (adj.) 土生土長的 📙 worldwide phenomenon (n.) 世界級現象 📙 Taiwanese (adj.) 台灣的 📙 immigrant (n.) 移民