【生活英文】Bite the Bullet 咬子彈是什麼意思?

Bite the Bullet cover

Bite the Bullet 意思是勇敢面對困難或痛苦,勇敢面對挑戰。這個片語最早起源於19世紀,當時士兵在戰場上沒有麻醉藥可用,所以在手術時會被要求咬住子彈,以減少疼痛。



Bite the Bullet 也可以用於描述那些勇敢面對生活中不愉快事情的人。例如,當一個人失去了親人時,他可能會說:”我必須咬緊牙關,面對這個巨大的損失”。

總的來說,Bite the Bullet 是一個很好的片語,用於描述勇敢面對困難和不愉快事情的人。它提醒我們,在生活中遇到困難時,我們應該勇敢面對它,而不是逃避它。

🖌e.g., I know it's difficult, but we need to bite the bullet and make the tough decision.
🖌e.g.,The job market is tough right now, but we can't give up. We have to bite the bullet and keep searching for opportunities.
🖌e.g.,It's hard to accept the loss, but we need to bite the bullet and move forward.
🖌e.g.,The test is difficult, but if we bite the bullet and study hard, we can pass it.