【生活英文】Back to the Drawing Board 是什麼意思?

Back to the Drawing Board cover

Back to the Drawing Board” 是一個英語俗語,意思是回到起點重新設計或重新計劃。這個俗語最早是在工業設計領域使用,指的是在設計過程中遇到困難或失敗,就需要回到原來的草圖或設計圖上重新設計。



總之,Back to the Drawing Board 意味著在計劃或設計過程中遇到困難或失敗,需要回到原來的地方重新開始。

【生活英文】Back to the Drawing Board 是什麼意思?
🖌e.g., Our marketing campaign failed, it's back to the drawing board for us.
🖌e.g., The new product launch was a flop, we'll have to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new strategy.