NASA will test nuclear rockets that might transport astronauts to Mars quickly.
Nuclear-powered rockets that may transport astronauts to Mars in an instant have been proposed for testing by NASA.
The agency announced on Tuesday that it has teamed up with the US government’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) to demonstrate a nuclear thermal rocket engine in space as early as 2027.
The goal of the project is to create a ground-breaking propulsion system for space travel that is distinct from the chemical systems that have been used since the modern era of rocketry began nearly a century ago.
“Using a nuclear thermal rocket allows for faster transit time, which reduces risk to astronauts,” NASA stated in a press release.
📙nuclear (n.)核能 📙rockets (n.)火箭 📙transport (v.)運輸 📙astronauts (n.)太空人 📙Mars (n.) 火星 📙proposed (v.) 建議 📙NASA (n.) 美國國家航空暨太空總署 📙propulsion system (n.) 推進系統 📙demonstrate (v.) 試驗 📙ground-breaking (adj.) 開創性的 📙modern era (n.) 現代時代 📙rocketry (n.) 火箭學