
📌innovative (adj.) 創新的;革新的;先進的
📙e.g., The company's innovative approach to product development has helped them stay ahead of competitors.
📌justify (v.) 解釋;為…辯解;為…辯護
📙e.g., The manager had to justify the company's decision to lay off employees to the board.
📌mitigate (v.) 緩和;減輕;减缓
📙e.g., The company is implementing measures to mitigate the impact of the economic downturn.
📌perception (n.) 看法;眼光;感知
📙e.g., Public perception of the company has improved since they implemented their sustainability program.
📌quantify (v.) 定量化;量化;使具體化
📙e.g., The research team is working to quantify the effects of the new drug on the patient's condition.
📌resilient (adj.) 韌性高的;有適應力的;能恢復力強的
📙e.g., The company has been resilient during the crisis, with steady financial performance and a strong management team.
📌strive (v.) 努力;奮鬥;力求
📙e.g., The company is striving to improve its customer service by implementing new training programs for employees.