
📌integrate (v.) 整合;融合;統一
📙e.g., The company is working to integrate their various departments in order to improve efficiency.
📌motivate (v.) 激勵;激發;刺激
📙e.g., The manager's positive feedback motivated the team to work harder.
📌optimize (v.) 使最佳化;使最優
📙e.g., The company is constantly trying to optimize their production process in order to save costs.
📌perspective (n.) 觀點;看法;透視
📙e.g., It's important to consider the issue from multiple perspectives before making a decision.
📌predict (v.) 預測;預言;預示
📙e.g., The economic model is used to predict future trends in the market.
📌relevant (adj.) 有關的;相關的;重要的
📙e.g., The information provided is not relevant to the topic we are discussing.
📌strategize (v.) 策略性地計劃;戰略性地思考
📙e.g., The team needs to strategize in order to win the game.
📌utilize (v.) 利用;使用;運用
📙e.g., The company is looking for ways to utilize new technology to improve their operations.