Months after she graduated from the US Air Force Academy, Madison Marsh finds herself on a different assignment — competing for the Miss America title.
The 22-year-old Arkansas native was crowned Miss Colorado in May 2023, just before graduating from the US Air Force Academy (USAFA) and being commissioned as an Air Force Officer. She joined the branch as a 2nd lieutenant, while also pursuing her Master’s in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School.
Now, she is among the 50 beauty queens vying for the Miss America title, which will be held in Florida on January 13 and 14. She will be the first active-duty Air Force officer to compete in the pageant.
📙 graduated – 畢業
🖌e.g., She graduated with honors in her degree. 🖌(她在學位中以優異成績畢業。) 🖌e.g., After he graduated from college, he started working in marketing. 🖌(他從大學畢業後,開始從事市場行銷工作。)
📙 assignment – 任務、指派
🖌e.g., The journalist was on a challenging assignment in a war-torn country. 🖌(記者在一個饑荒國家執行一項具挑戰性的任務。) 🖌e.g., She completed her assignment ahead of the deadline. 🖌(她在截止日期之前完成了她的指派工作。)
📙 crowned – 加冕,獲得冠軍
🖌e.g., She was crowned the winner of the competition. 🖌(她被加冕為比賽的冠軍。) 🖌e.g., The beauty pageant crowned a new queen last night. 🖌(選美比賽昨晚加冕了新的皇后。)
📙 commissioned – 委任,委託
🖌e.g., He was commissioned as an officer in the military. 🖌(他被委任為軍隊中的官員。) 🖌e.g., The artist was commissioned to create a new sculpture. 🖌(藝術家被委託創作一件新的雕塑。)
📙 queens – 女王,佳麗
🖌e.g., The chess game has two queens, one for each player. 🖌(國際象棋遊戲中有兩個女王,每位玩家一個。) 🖌e.g., The beauty contest was a gathering of queens from various countries. 🖌(這場選美大賽是來自不同國家的佳麗聚會。)
📙 pageant – 選美比賽,盛會
🖌e.g., She participated in a national pageant last year. 🖌(她去年參加了一場全國性的選美比賽。) 🖌e.g., The annual pageant attracts contestants from all over the country. 🖌(這個年度的盛會吸引了來自全國各地的參賽者。)
Meet Madison Marsh, US Air Force pilot vying for Miss America crown