Mr. James spends a significant amount of his time cleaning the halls of Callisburg High School in Texas. Although many students may not take notice, three seniors were struck by the sight of the 80-year-old janitor.
“It’s just awful to see an 80-year-old man having to do things he shouldn’t have to do,” said Banner Tidwell in an interview with KXII News. Mr. James was forced to leave retirement last month due to rising living costs, and his story inspired several classmates to act and help him regain his retirement status.
With one TikTok video and a GoFundMe page titled “Getting Mr. James out of this school,” the three seniors’ efforts began to gain traction.
“It’s strange to see how something you don’t know could blow up like this,” said Marti Yousko, who helped to spread the word with her 2,000 followers on TikTok. “We knew people would want to help, but we didn’t expect it to be this big,” added Greyson Thurman.
The TikTok video of Mr. James cleaning the school made $10,000 in just 12 hours, with the majority of contributions coming from fellow students. Callisburg High School administrator Jason Hooper expressed gratitude to all of the students who assisted Mr. James.
“It’s truly incredible how the need was met thanks to the efforts of three wonderful kids and the support of our entire student body,” he said. The GoFundMe page was launched on February 15 and has already raised over $200,000.
“Your contributions have made a profound impact on Mr. James, one that will stay with him for the rest of his life,” Thurman wrote on the GoFundMe page on Thursday. The campaign will remain open until noon on Friday to allow Mr. James to celebrate his impending retirement.
通過一個TikTok視頻和一個名為 “讓詹姆斯先生離開這所學校 “的GoFundMe頁面,這三名高三學生的努力開始得到了支持。
Marti Yousko說:”看到你不知道的東西會像這樣爆炸,這很奇怪,”她在TikTok上與她的2000名粉絲一起幫助傳播這個消息。”我們知道人們會想幫忙,但我們沒有想到會有這麽大的影響,”格雷森-瑟曼補充說。
📙significant – 重要的、顯著的
🖌e.g., The findings of the study are significant because they have the potential to change the way we think about the issue. 🖌(這份研究的發現是很重要的,因為它們有可能改變我們對這個問題的看法。) 🖌e.g., The new product has seen a significant increase in sales since it was launched last month. 🖌(自從上個月推出新產品以來,銷售額顯著增加。)
📙janitor – 清潔工、門警
🖌e.g., The janitor is responsible for keeping the school clean and tidy. 🖌(清潔工負責保持學校的清潔和整潔。) 🖌e.g., The janitor stopped the stranger from entering the building. 🖌(門警阻止陌生人進入建築物。)
📙retirement – 退休、退役
🖌e.g., John has been saving for retirement for years, and now he is finally able to enjoy his golden years. 🖌(約翰已經為退休存錢多年,現在他終於能夠享受晚年。) 🖌e.g., After a long and successful career, the basketball player announced his retirement from the sport. 🖌(經過漫長而成功的職業生涯後,籃球選手宣佈退役。)
📙living costs – 生活費用、生活成本
🖌e.g., The rising living costs in the city have made it difficult for many families to make ends meet. 🖌(城市不斷上漲的生活成本使許多家庭難以維持生計。) 🖌e.g., The company offers a generous benefits package that includes a stipend for living costs in addition to salary. 🖌(該公司提供豐厚的福利計畫,除了薪水外還包括生活費津貼。)
📙inspire – 激勵、啟發
🖌e.g., The coach's speech before the game inspired the team to play their best and win the championship. 🖌(教練在比賽前的演講激勵了球隊發揮出最好的表現。) 🖌e.g., The artist's work is known for inspiring a sense of wonder and awe in those who view it. 🖌(這位藝術家的作品以啟發觀眾感到驚奇和敬畏而聞名。)
📙senior – 高三生、年長者、老年人
🖌e.g., She's a senior in high school this year and will be graduating soon. 🖌(她是今年高三的學生,很快就要畢業了。) 🖌e.g., Many seniors struggle with loneliness and social isolation, particularly during the pandemic. 🖌(許多老年人在疫情期間尤其難以應對孤獨和社交孤立。)
📙GoFundMe – 美國的一間網路募資平台
🖌e.g., The family set up a GoFundMe page to help cover the medical expenses for their child's treatment. 🖌(這個家庭建立了一個GoFundMe網頁,以幫助支付孩子治療的醫療費用。) 🖌e.g., The musician used GoFundMe to raise money for their next album and was able to reach their goal in just a few weeks. 🖌(這位音樂家使用了GoFundMe來為下一張專輯籌集資金,在短短幾周內就達成了目標。)
📙traction – 進展、發展、吸引力
🖌e.g., The company's new product is gaining traction in the market and is expected to be a major success. 🖌(該公司的新產品在市場上獲得了進展,有望取得巨大成功。) 🖌e.g., The social media campaign has been slow to gain traction, but recent posts have started to generate more interest and engagement. 🖌(社交媒體活動進展緩慢,但最近的帖子開始引起更多的興趣和參與。)
📙followers – 追隨者、粉絲
🖌e.g., The celebrity has millions of followers on social media who eagerly await their every post and update. 🖌(這位名人在社交媒體上擁有數百萬的追隨者,他們熱切地期待著每一篇發文和更新。) 🖌e.g., The fitness guru's program has gained a large following of dedicated followers who swear by its effectiveness. 🖌(這位健身專家的計畫已經吸引了一大批忠實的追隨者,他們對其效果深信不疑。)
📙contributions – 貢獻、捐款
🖌e.g., The scientist's contributions to the field of genetics have been recognized with numerous awards and accolades. 🖌(這位科學家對遺傳學領域的貢獻已經得到了無數的獎項和讚譽。) 🖌e.g., The charity relies on the contributions of donors to support its programs and services for those in need. 🖌(這家慈善機構依賴捐助者的捐款來支援他們的計劃和為有需要的人提供的服務。)
📙administrator – 管理員、行政人員
🖌e.g., The school administrator is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the school and ensuring that everything runs smoothly. 🖌(學校的行政人員負責監督學校的日常運營,確保一切順利。) 🖌e.g., The system administrator is in charge of managing the computer network and ensuring that all users have access to the resources they need. 🖌(系統管理員負責管理電腦網絡,確保所有用戶都可以訪問他們需要的資源。)
📙gratitude – 感激、感謝
🖌e.g., The family expressed their gratitude to the doctors and nurses who saved their loved one's life. 🖌(這個家庭向拯救他們所愛之人的醫生和護士表達了感激之情。) 🖌e.g., The employee wrote a letter of gratitude to their boss, thanking them for the opportunities and support they had received. 🖌(這位員工給他的老闆寫了一封感謝信,感謝他們給了他機會和支援。)
📙launched – 推出、上市
🖌e.g., The company launched a new line of products aimed at younger consumers. 🖌(這家公司推出了一系列針對年輕消費者的新產品。) 🖌e.g., The new streaming service was launched to much fanfare and quickly gained a large subscriber base. 🖌(新的串流媒體服務以熱烈的掌聲推出,並迅速獲得了大量的訂閱者。)
📙campaign – 活動、運動、戰役
🖌e.g., The environmental group organized a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of recycling. 🖌(這個環保組織組織了一個活動,以提高人們對回收的重要性的認識。)
📙impending – 即將發生的、逼近的
🖌e.g., The town is preparing for the impending storm by stocking up on emergency supplies and sandbags. 🖌(該鎮正在儲備緊急物資和沙袋,以應對即將來襲的風暴。) 🖌e.g., The company is facing impending layoffs due to financial difficulties. 🖌(該公司因財務困難面臨著即將到來的裁員。)