Make是英文中常用的一個動詞,它在不同的句型和詞組中具有不同的含義和用法,例如:make up、make for、make do。在本文中,我們將會探討與make相關的動詞片語的用法和例句。
📙Make up
📖Make up 通常用來表示「彌補」、「化妝」、「編造」等意思。
🖌e.g., She tried to make up for being late by working harder.(她試圖通過更加努力工作來彌補遲到的過失。) 🖌e.g., I need to make up my face before the party.(我需要在派對之前化妝。) 🖌e.g., He made up a story about his trip to Paris.(他編造了一個關於他去巴黎的故事。)
📙Make do
📖Make do 通常用來表示「勉強應付」、「將就」等意思。
🖌e.g., We don't have enough chairs, so we'll have to make do with what we have.(我們沒有足夠的椅子,所以只能將就一下現有的設施。) 🖌e.g., I lost my umbrella, so I had to make do with a plastic bag.(我把雨傘弄丟了,只好用塑膠袋代替。)
📙Make up for
📖Make up for 通常用來表示「補償」、「彌補」等意思。
🖌e.g., I'll work extra hours to make up for the time I missed.(我會加班來彌補我缺失的時間。) 🖌e.g., He bought her flowers to make up for forgetting her birthday.(他買了花來彌補忘記她生日的過失。)
📙Make sense
📖Make sense 通常用來表示「有道理」、「合情合理」等意思。
🖌e.g., Her explanation didn't make any sense to me.(她的解釋對我來說沒有任何意義。) 🖌e.g., It makes sense to invest in stocks when the market is down.(市場不景氣時,投資股票是有道理的。)
📙Make off
📖Make off 通常用來表示「逃跑」、「搶走」等意思。
🖌e.g., The thief made off with my purse.(小偷拿走了我的錢包。) 🖌e.g., He made off when the police arrived.(警察到場時,他逃走了。)
📙Make up with
📖Make up with 通常用來表示「和解」、「重修舊好」等意思。
🖌e.g., After their argument, they made up with each other.(他們吵架後,彼此和解了。) 🖌e.g., She made up with her ex-boyfriend and they got back together.(她和前男友和好了,他們又在一起了。)
📙Make way
📖Make way 通常用來表示「讓路」、「讓位」等意思。
🖌e.g., Make way for the ambulance! (讓路給救護車!) 🖌e.g., The old buildings were demolished to make way for a new shopping mall.(舊的建築被拆除,為新的購物中心讓出空間。) 🖌e.g., The new CEO made way for a younger, more dynamic leader.(新的CEO讓位給一位更年輕、更有活力的領導人。)
📙Make up one’s mind
📖Make up one’s mind 通常用來表示「下定決心」、「做出決定」等意思。
🖌e.g., I still haven't made up my mind about which university to attend.(我還沒有決定要去哪所大學。) 🖌e.g., She made up her mind to quit her job and travel the world.(她下定決心辭掉工作,去旅行世界。)
📙Make it
📖Make it 通常用來表示「成功」、「達成目標」等意思。
🖌e.g., If you work hard, I'm sure you'll make it.(如果你努力,我相信你一定能成功。) 🖌e.g., He was determined to make it to the top of the mountain.(他決心要爬到山頂。)
📙Make over
📖Make over 通常用來表示「改造」、「重新裝修」等意思。
🖌e.g., She made over the old house and turned it into a beautiful home.(她對這座老房子進行了改造,變成了一個美麗的家。) 🖌e.g., The company decided to make over its website to make it more user-friendly.(公司決定對其網站進行改造,使其更加用戶友好。)
📙Make for
📖Make for 通常用來表示「往……的方向前進」、「有助於」、「導致」等意思。
🖌e.g., They made for the train station as fast as they could.(他們盡可能快地趕往火車站。) 🖌e.g., Drinking lots of water can make for clearer skin.(喝大量的水可以使皮膚更乾淨。)
📙Make out
📖Make out 通常用來表示「理解」、「看清楚」、「辨認出」等意思,也可以表示成功地「處理或應付」某事,或者在某方面進展或表現
🖌e.g., I can't make out what he's saying.(我聽不懂他在說什麼。) 🖌e.g., She had trouble making out the small print on the contract.(她很難看清合約上的小字。) 🖌e.g., How are you making out with your new project? (你的新項目進行得怎麽樣?) 🖌e.g., He made out well in the exam. (他考試考得很好。)
📙Make out sth.
📖Make out 也可用來表示「聲稱」、「宣稱」等意思。
🖌e.g., He made out that he was an expert in the field.(他聲稱自己是這個領域的專家。) 🖌e.g., She made out that she had a lot of experience in customer service.(她聲稱自己在客戶服務方面有豐富的經驗。)
📙Make out with sb.
📖Make out 還可以用來表示「親熱」、「激吻」等意思。
🖌e.g., I saw them making out with each other in the park. (我看到他們在公園裡親熱。) 🖌e.g., She didn't want to make out with him on the first date.(她不想在第一次約會時和他親熱。)