Mexico’s Secretary of National Defense reported the loss of Proteo, one of the 14 canines deployed to Turkey to assist in post-earthquake rescue activities, in the early hours of Sunday, February 12. The statement was heartbreaking: “Members of the Mexican Army and Air Force are terribly devastated by the loss of our beloved comrade, the dog Proteo. As a member of the Mexican delegation, you completed your mission in the search and rescue of our brothers in Turkey. Thank you, Proteo, for your brave job.”

📙Secretary – 秘書、部長
📖Secretary 是一個名詞,通常用來指某個機構中的官員,特別是負責管理檔案、協助主管人執行工作等的人。 🖌e.g., The company's secretary is responsible for keeping the minutes of the meetings. 🖌(公司的秘書負責記錄會議的紀錄。) 🖌e.g., The Secretary of State is one of the highest-ranking officials in the government. 🖌(國務卿是政府中最高級別的官員之一。)
📙National Defense – 國防
📖National Defense 是指一個國家的軍事防禦責任,包括保證國家的安全和維護國家的主權。 🖌e.g., The government increased its budget for National Defense to enhance its military capabilities. 🖌(政府增加了國防預算,以增強其軍事能力。) 🖌e.g., The Secretary of National Defense is responsible for overseeing the country's military operations. 🖌(國防部長負責監督國家的軍事行動。)
📙Canine – 狗類、犬類、犬齒
📖Canine 是指屬於犬科的動物。 🖌e.g., The police used canines to search for the missing child. 🖌(警察使用狗類搜尋失蹤的孩子。) 🖌e.g., The canines were trained to sniff out drugs and explosives. 🖌(這些狗類被訓練成能嗅出毒品和炸藥。)
📙deploy – 部署
📖Deployed 是一個動詞,通常指將軍隊或其他資源派遣到特定地區以完成任務。 🖌e.g., The army was deployed to the disaster area to help with the rescue efforts. 🖌(軍隊被派遣到災區,以幫助救援工作。) 🖌e.g., The company deployed additional staff to the new branch to handle the increased workload. 🖌(公司派遣了額外人員到新分行以處理增加的工作量。)
📙Assist – 協助
📖Assist 是一個動詞,通常指幫助或支援某人或某事物完成任務。 🖌e.g., The volunteers were asked to assist the disaster relief effort. 🖌(志願者被要求協助災難救援工作。) 🖌e.g., The new software was designed to assist in organizing and analyzing large amounts of data. 🖌(新軟件是用來協助組織和分析大量數據的。)
📙Rescue – 救援
📖Rescue 是一個動詞,通常指救助或拯救需要幫助的人或動物。 🖌e.g., The fire department was called to rescue the trapped workers. 🖌(消防隊被要求救援被困的工人。) 🖌e.g., The search and rescue team worked tirelessly to find the missing hikers. 🖌(搜救隊不停地工作,以找到失蹤的徒步旅行者。)
📙Terribly – 非常
📖Terribly 是一個副詞,通常用來強調某事物的程度。 🖌e.g., I am terribly sorry for being late. 🖌(我非常抱歉遲到了。) 🖌e.g., The weather was terribly hot today. 🖌(今天天氣非常熱。)
📙Devastated – 毀滅性的
📖Devastated 是一個形容詞,通常指對某件事情的深刻的悲傷和傷心。 🖌e.g., The family was devastated by the news of their son's death. 🖌(家人對他們兒子的死訊深感毀滅。) 🖌e.g., The community was devastated by the destruction caused by the tornado. 🖌(社區對龐然大起的龜毛造成的毀滅感到毀滅。)
📙Delegation – 代表團
📖Delegation 是指一群代表某個組織或國家的人,通常被派遣到特定地點完成任務。 🖌e.g., A delegation from the United Nations was sent to negotiate a peace agreement. 🖌(聯合國的一個代表團被派遣去談判和平協議。) 🖌e.g., The company sent a delegation to the trade show to promote their new products. 🖌(公司派遣代表團參加貿易展覽,以宣傳他們的新產品。)
📙Comrade – 同志、戰友
📖Comrade 是一個名詞,通常用來描述與自己有共同目標或共同任務的人,特別是在軍事或政治方面。 🖌e.g., The soldiers considered each other comrades in arms. 🖌(士兵們彼此認為是共同作戰的同志。) 🖌e.g., The political activists referred to each other as comrades in their struggle for justice. 🖌(政治活動家彼此稱呼自己是爭取正義的同志。)
📙Beloved – 深愛的、親愛的
📖Beloved 是一個形容詞,通常用來形容某人或某物被深深地愛或喜愛。 🖌e.g., She was his beloved wife for over 50 years. 🖌(她是他深愛的妻子,已有50多年。) 🖌e.g., The old oak tree was a beloved landmark in the town. 🖌(這棵古老的橡樹是城鎮中深受喜愛的地標。)