A two-month-old infant was miraculously recovered from the wreckage of fallen buildings after 128 hours amid debris, as reported by Anadolu news agency. The infant survived the catastrophic accident, as the agency reported, and was quickly taken to the hospital for medical attention.
📙Infant – 嬰兒
📖"Infant" 是指年紀很小的孩子,通常是指一歲以下的小孩。 🖌e.g., The infant was crying loudly in the middle of the night. 🖌(這個嬰兒在半夜大聲哭哭啼啼。) 🖌e.g., The mother was holding the infant tightly, not wanting to let go. 🖌(母親緊緊地抱著這個嬰兒,不想放手。)
📙Miraculously – 奇蹟般地
📖"Miraculously" 是一個副詞,通常用來形容事情的結果是驚人的或不可思議的。 🖌e.g., The woman miraculously survived the plane crash with just a few bruises. 🖌(這個女人奇蹟般地在飛機失事中僅僅受了幾個擦傷就生還了。) 🖌e.g., The man miraculously found his lost dog after searching for weeks. 🖌(這個男人在搜尋了幾周後奇蹟般地找到了他失蹤的狗。)
📙Recover – 康復、恢復
📖"Recover" 是一個動詞,通常用來形容某人或某物從原來的狀態中恢復過來。 🖌e.g., The patient has recovered from his illness and is now ready to go home. 🖌(病人已經康復,現在準備回家了。) 🖌e.g., The team recovered the lost treasure after years of searching. 🖌(團隊經過多年的搜尋,終於找回了失落的寶藏。)
📙Wreckage – 殘骸、廢墟
📖"Wreckage" 是一個名詞,通常用來描述災難、事故或戰爭等事件造成的廢墟或殘骸。 🖌e.g., The wreckage of the crashed airplane was scattered across the field. 🖌(墜毀的飛機的殘骸散落在田野上。) 🖌e.g., The rescue team searched through the wreckage for any survivors. 🖌(救援隊在廢墟中搜尋生還者。)
📙Amid – 在…中間
📖"Amid" 是一個介系詞,通常用來描述某物在其他事物中間的位置。 🖌e.g., The oasis was hidden amid the vast desert. 🖌(綠洲隱藏在廣闊的沙漠中。) 🖌e.g., The treasure was buried amid the ruins of an ancient temple. 🖌(寶藏被埋在古代寺廟的遺址中。)
📙Debris – 碎片、殘骸
📖"Debris" 是一個名詞,通常用來描述廢棄物、殘骸等碎片。 🖌e.g., The city was covered in a layer of debris after the explosion. 🖌(爆炸後,城市被一層碎片覆蓋。) 🖌e.g., The workers cleared the debris from the street after the storm. 🖌(工人們在暴風雨過後清理了街道上的碎片。)
📙Survive – 生還、倖存
📖"Survive" 是一個動詞,通常用來描述某人在災難、危險或困境中倖存下來。 🖌e.g., The soldiers survived the battlefield and returned home safely. 🖌(士兵們在戰場上生還,安全回到了家。) 🖌e.g., The hiker survived the avalanche and was rescued the next day. 🖌(徒步旅行者在雪崩中倖存,第二天被救援。)
📙Catastrophic – 災難性的
📖"Catastrophic" 是一個形容詞,通常用來形容事件或災難的性質是嚴重的、災難性的。 🖌e.g., The earthquake caused a catastrophic disaster, leaving thousands homeless. 🖌(地震造成了災難性的災害,使成千上萬的人無家可歸。) 🖌e.g., The financial crisis had a catastrophic impact on the global economy. 🖌(金融危機對全球經濟造成了災難性的影響。)
📙Medical attention – 醫療照顧
📖"Medical attention" 是一個名詞片語,通常用來描述醫生或醫院給予病人的醫療照顧。 🖌e.g., The injured man needed medical attention as soon as possible. 🖌(這個受傷的男子需要盡快得到醫療照顧。) 🖌e.g., The elderly woman required medical attention for her chronic condition. 🖌(這位老婦人因慢性疾病需要醫療照顧。)