

本文列舉了一些帶有「over」的動詞片語及其意思。例如「turn over」表示翻轉或交接,「go over」表示審查或檢討,「get over」表示恢復或克服。其他動詞如「think over」、「take over」和「talk over」暗示考慮、掌控或討論某事。同時,「boil over」、「look over」和「gloss over」則描述了溢出、檢查和隱瞞某事的概念。最後,片語「over and over」、「pull over」和「sleep over」則強調了重複、停車和在外過夜的情境。總之這些帶有「over」的動詞片語提供了多樣的行動和情境,以描述各種場景。

📙Turn over – 翻轉、交接

📖如果你要把一份檔案或者一本書交給別人,就可以用 "turn over" 這個片語。這個片語也可以用來描述物體的翻轉,例如你要把蛋糕翻過來,就可以說 "turn over the cake"。另外,在運動比賽中,當一方隊伍失去球權時,就稱為 "turn over"。例如在籃球比賽中,當進攻方失誤導致球權轉移到防守方時,就可以說 "the ball turned over to the other team"。
🖌e.g., He carefully turned over the fragile glass vase to inspect the bottom.
🖌e.g., The manager decided to turn over the project to the new team leader.

📙Think over – 仔細考慮

📖當你需要更深入地思考或者做出重要的決定時,你可以使用“Think over”這個動詞片語。它表示你需要花更多的時間來考慮一個問題或情況,以便做出最佳的決策。例如,如果你想買一台新電腦,但不確定應該買哪個牌子或型號,你可能需要仔細地思考各種選擇,才能做出最佳的選擇。
🖌e.g., I need some time to think over your proposal before I can give you an answer.
🖌e.g., It's important to think over the potential consequences of your actions before you make a decision.

📙Go over – 檢查、復習

📖當你要複習功課或檢查檔案時,你可以使用「Go over」這個片語來形容。它通常用來表示你正在檢查某些東西,並確保沒有遺漏或錯誤。
🖌e.g., I need to go over my presentation one more time before I give it to the client.
🖌e.g., The teacher asked the students to go over the vocabulary words before the exam.

📙Take over – 接管、接手

📖當你「接管」某件事物並且負責它的運作,就可以使用「Take over」這個動詞片語。例如,當一個人離開公司時,另一個人可能會接管他的工作。另外,「Take over」也可以指「接管控制權」。例如,當一家公司被另一家公司收購時,收購方將會接管控制權。
🖌e.g., The new CEO will take over the company next month.
🖌e.g., After the retirement of the old coach, a new coach will take over the team.

📙Boil over – 沸騰溢出

📖"Boil over" 是一個形容詞片語,通常用來描述水或其他液體因沸騰而溢出容器的現象,也可以用來比喻描述情緒失控的情況。
🖌e.g., Be careful, the pot is boiling and might boil over.
🖌e.g., When the manager heard the bad news, her anger boiled over and she started yelling at her employees.

📙Look over – 瀏覽、檢查

📖"Look over" 通常用來形容我們瀏覽或檢查某物,好讓我們確保它的準確性或完整性。比如說,當你需要檢查你的作業或報告有沒有打錯字或漏打字的時候,你就可以使用 "Look over" 這個片語。或者當你需要查看一個檔案或合同以確保所有的條款都是對的,也可以使用 "Look over"。記得要仔細檢查哦!
🖌e.g., Can you look over this report and let me know if there are any errors?
🖌e.g., The teacher asked the students to look over their homework before submitting it.
Look over 、 check

📙Gloss over – 掩飾、粉飾

📖 當你想要表達在處理問題時沒有仔細處理,而只是對問題表面敷衍了事,就可以使用 "Gloss over" 這個片語來形容。
🖌e.g., The politician tried to gloss over the scandal by denying any wrongdoing.
🖌e.g., The company's management glossed over the safety concerns of its workers in order to increase profits.

📙Watch over – 守護、看守

📖當我們使用 "Watch over" 這個片語時,通常是要描述當我們關心的人或物時所採取的行動。例如,當我們照顧小孩時,可能會用 "Watch over" 這個片語來形容我們所做的事情。此外,這個片語也可以用於描述監控某個區域或場所,以保護人們的安全。
🖌e.g., The babysitter was hired to watch over the children while their parents were at work.
🖌e.g., It's important to watch over your personal belongings when traveling in a foreign country.
Watch over image

📙Brood over – 沉思、悶悶不樂

📖當一個人陷入憂鬱、沉思或不悅的情緒中,長時間思考某些問題或困擾時,我們可以使用 "Brood over" 這個動詞片語來描述。這個片語強調的是情緒的低落,以及經常性地沉溺於一些負面的想法或狀態中。
🖌e.g., After their argument, he spent the entire day brooding over what she had said.
🖌e.g., She tends to brood over her mistakes, which can make her feel anxious and unhappy.

📙Pore over – 仔細閱讀、研究

📖 通常用來描述細讀或研究某份檔案或資料,以便更深入瞭解其內容和細節。可以想像成是用放大鏡一樣,把每個細節都看得清清楚楚。
🖌 e.g., The student was up late at night, poring over her textbook for the big exam tomorrow.
🖌 e.g., The lawyer pored over the legal documents, looking for any loopholes that could help his client's case.

📙Hand over – 移交、交出

📖 "Hand over" 通常用於描述將某物移交給另一個人,或者將某人移交給當局或警方等機構。
🖌 e.g., The thief was caught and forced to hand over the stolen goods to the police.
🖌 e.g., Can you please hand over the documents to the new employee?

📙Run over – 撞倒、檢查

📖"Run over" 通常用來描述把某物或某人轉移給別人或當局,例如把一件物品交給別人,或者把一個犯人交給警方等。
🖌e.g., The car accidentally ran over the pedestrian, injuring him severely.
🖌e.g., I just need to run over my presentation one more time before the meeting.

📙Get over – 克服、恢復

📖如果我們遇到了一些讓我們不舒服或難過的事情,就可以說我們需要「克服(get over)」這些困難。或者,如果我們從疾病或傷害中恢復過來,也可以說我們已經「get over」了這些問題。
🖌e.g., It took me a long time to get over the loss of my grandfather.
🖌e.g., I need to get over my fear of public speaking before my next presentation.

📙Talk over – 討論、商量

🖌e.g., We need to talk over our plans for the weekend.
🖌e.g., The company's board members talked over the proposed merger for several hours before making a decision.
talk over

📙Over and over – 一遍又一遍地

🖌e.g., She played the same song over and over until everyone was sick of it.
🖌e.g., He had to practice the piano piece over and over until he could play it perfectly.

📙Pull over – 靠邊停車

📖"Pull over" 通常用來形容在開車或駕駛時把車輛停到路邊或停車場等處,例如警察在路邊攔下車輛進行檢查,或者在高速公路上有緊急情況需要把車輛靠邊停下。
🖌e.g., The police officer asked the driver to pull over to the side of the road.
🖌e.g., I need to pull over and check the map for directions.

📙Sleep over – 在外過夜、留宿

📖 "Sleep over" 是指留宿在某個地方,通常是在朋友家或旅遊時在旅館、飯店等地方過夜。感覺好像回到小時候在朋友家開趴,一起看電影、聊天,然後就在朋友家裡睡覺。
🖌 e.g., I'm going to sleep over at my friend's house tonight. 
🖌 (今晚我要在我朋友家過夜。)
🖌 e.g., We decided to sleep over at the hotel instead of driving back late at night. 
🖌 (我們決定在酒店留宿,而不是深夜開車回去。)