Recently, a matter of contention arose due to Taiwan’s absence in the promotional graphics of the World Baseball Classic (WBC). In response to this, Major League Baseball (MLB) has taken corrective measures by incorporating a representation of Taiwan’s Lin Tzu-Wei (林子偉) in the images.
The Chair of the World Baseball Classic, Jim Small, tendered an apology via Bros Sports Marketing at noon regarding the recent controversy. The statement read: “We posted a World Baseball Classic graphic to social media that inadvertently did not include a player from the Chinese Taipei, and we regret the error and the inconvenience we have caused to our friends in Taiwan. We truly appreciate the opportunity to bring the World Baseball Classic back to Taiwan, and we look forward to staging a successful event”

世界棒球精英賽主席Jim Small在中午時分通過悍創運動行銷就最近的爭議發表了道歉聲明。聲明中寫道。”我們於世界棒球經典賽的社群貼文圖片不慎遺漏了中華隊的球員.對於所發生的錯誤以及對我們在台灣的夥伴們所造成的不便,我們致上歉意.我們非常珍惜再次於台灣舉辦世界棒球經典賽的機會,我們也期待可以很順利地舉辦這場盛大的活動”
📌Contention (n.) 爭論;爭端;爭吵
📙e.g., The contention arose between the two parties over the absence of a promotional chair at the event.
📌Corrective (adj.) 矯正的;改正的;糾正的
📙e.g., The company implemented a series of corrective measures to address the issue of quality control in their manufacturing process.
📌Tender (v.) 提出;呈送;投標 (adj.)溫柔的;溫情的 📙e.g., The company tendered an apology for the controversy that arose due to their mistake. (公司因錯誤而引起的爭議,提出道歉。)
📌Inadvertently (adv.) 偶然地;無意地;不經意地
📙e.g., The company regret the mistake they made inadvertently which caused the controversy.
📌Apology (n.) 道歉;謝罪 📙e.g., The CEO issued a public apology for the company's actions that caused inconvenience to its customers. (執行長對公司的行為,對客戶造成不便,公開道歉。)
📌Controversy (n.) 爭議;爭吵;爭論
📙e.g., The new policy has generated a lot of controversy among employees and has become a hot topic in the company.
📌Regret (v.) 後悔;懊悔;遺憾
📙e.g., The company expressed regret for the inconvenience caused by their mistake and promised to improve their processes.
📌Arose(arise的過去式)(v.) 出現;發生;引起 📙e.g., A new challenge arose when the company decided to enter into a new market and compete against established players. (當公司決定進入新市場並與已確立的競爭對手競爭時,出現了新的挑戰。)
📌Absence (n.) 缺席;沒有;不存在
📙e.g., The absence of the promotional chair caused disappointment among attendees at the event.
📌Chair (n.) 椅子;主席;講席 📙e.g., The CEO was elected as the chair of the board and is responsible for leading the company's strategy. (執行長被選為董事會主席,負責領導公司的戰略。)