“What do you do?”的回答方式:5種實用技巧【生活英文】

"What do you do?"的回答方式:5種實用技巧【生活英文】

“What do you do?” 是一個簡單的英文問句,意思是「你做什麼工作?」或「你的職業是什麼?」這個問句常用於初步交往時,以瞭解對方的職業背景。

I am a (職業名稱), (接著描述工作內容)

🖌"I am an athlete. I compete in sporting events and work hard to improve my physical abilities and performance."
🖌"I am a hairdresser. I style and cut hair, and provide beauty treatments such as coloring and highlighting."
🖌"I am a chef. I prepare and cook meals, designing menus and creating new dishes."
🖌"I am a dentist. I diagnose and treat problems with teeth and gums, and help people maintain good oral health."
🖌"I am an engineer. I design, build, and test systems and products, using math and science to solve problems."
"What do you do?"的回答方式:5種實用技巧【生活英文】

I work as a (職業名稱) at (公司名稱), (描述工作內容)

🖌"I work as an analyst at ABC Corp, and I help gather, process, and I analyze data to provide insights and support decision-making for the company."

🖌"I work as an architect at ABC Partners, and I design and plan building structures, ensuring they are functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing."

🖌"I work as a hairdresser at ABC Salon, and I provide hair styling, coloring, and care services to clients, helping them feel and look their best."

I work with (工作領域或是產業) as a (職業名稱), and [描述你的工作狀態]

🖌"I work with data and analysis as an analyst, and things are going great, thanks for asking."

🖌"I work with design and construction as an architect, and I am keeping busy but doing well, thanks for inquiring."

🖌"I work with sports as an athlete, and I am doing well, thanks for asking."

🖌"I work with hair as a hairdresser, and everything is going smoothly, thanks for your interest."
"What do you do?"的回答方式:5種實用技巧【生活英文】


🖌"I am a business owner. I run my own company."
🖌"I am an entrepreneur. I run my own business."
"What do you do?"的回答方式:5種實用技巧【生活英文】


🖌"I am currently looking for work. I am open to different career opportunities and am actively seeking new job prospects."
🖌"I am currently a student. I am studying [major or field of study] at [university or school name]."
🖌(我目前是一名學生。我正在 [大學或學校名稱] 學習 [專業或學習領域]。)
🖌"I am currently a student. I am studying Computer Science at Harvard University."