


📙Keep track of 追蹤

🖌e.g., Let's keep track of our progress on the project with weekly updates.

📙Take charge of 負責

🖌e.g., I'll take charge of preparing the presentation for tomorrow's meeting.

📙Check on 核實

🖌e.g., Can you check on the status of the project and update me?

📙Put together 組合;(透過蒐集觀點和建議)整理出,拼湊,湊成

🖌e.g., Can you put together a report on the sales data by the end of the day?


📙Dig into 深入研究

🖌e.g., We need to dig into the details of the budget before making a decision.

📙Look into 調查

🖌e.g., Can you please look into the issue with the software and let me know what you find?

📙Come up with 提出

🖌e.g., Can you come up with a solution to the problem we discussed in the meeting?

📙Keep an eye on 留意

🖌e.g., Can you keep an eye on the deadline for the project and let me know if anything changes?

📙Take care of 處理

🖌e.g., I'll take care of sending out the email to all the employees.

📙Speak to 和…溝通

🖌e.g., Can you speak to the vendor about the delivery schedule?
The office is abuzz with productivity

📙Get back to 回覆

🖌e.g., Can you get back to me as soon as possible with an update on the project?

📙Sort out 解決

🖌e.g., Can you sort out the problem with the printer?

📙Follow through 貫策執行

🖌e.g., Can you follow through on the plan we discussed yesterday?

📙Get on top of 掌握

🖌e.g., Can you get on top of the task list and let me know your progress?

📙Clear up 澄清

🖌e.g., Can you clear up any confusion regarding the project scope?

📙Follow up 跟進

🖌e.g., Can you please follow up on the meeting minutes from last week?

📙Look into 調查

🖌e.g., Can you look into the issue with the website's login system?

📙Dive in 深入探究

🖌e.g., Let's dive in and discuss the details of the project.

📙Firm up 確定

🖌e.g., Can you firm up the plans for the company retreat?

📙Stay behind 留下

🖌e.g., Can you stay behind for a quick meeting after work?

📙Put through 處理

🖌e.g., Can you put the expense report through for approval?
The office is abuzz with productivity

📙Kick off 開始

🖌e.g., Let's kick off the project with a team meeting.

📙Gloss over 忽略

🖌e.g., Let's not gloss over the important details in this project.

📙Move forward 前進

🖌e.g., Let's move forward with the new project plan. 

📙Circle back 回頭聯繫

🖌e.g., Can we circle back in a couple of days to check on the progress?

📙Wrap up 完成

🖌e.g., Let's wrap up the presentation and take any final questions. 

📙Touch base with 與…聯繫

🖌e.g., Can you touch base with the team on the progress of the project?

📙Run by 檢查

🖌e.g., Can you run by the proposal with the team before we present it to the client?

📙Draw up 擬草稿

🖌e.g., Can you draw up a proposal for the new project?

📙Liaise with 聯繫

🖌e.g., Can you liaise with the supplier to resolve the delivery issue?


1. After the meeting, Sarah promised to _____ the results with her team and present the final proposal next week.
(A) put together (B) come up with (C) dive in (D) sort out

2. The new manager promised to _____ the accounting department’s performance and make any necessary improvements.
(A) take charge of (B) run by (C) get back to (D) follow up

3. Before making any investment, John always _____ the market trend and seeks advice from financial experts.
(A) digs into (B) puts through (C) checks on (D) takes care of

4. When Sarah noticed that her friend wasn’t feeling well, she asked if she needed help and offered to _____ the situation.
(A) take care of (B) wrap up (C) circle back (D) look into

5. The company decided to _____ the old project and start a new one after several rounds of discussions.
(A) wrap up (B) move forward (C) kick off (D) firm up


1. (A) Put together
Explanation: After the meeting, Sarah promised to assemble the results with her team to present the final proposal next week.
2. (A) Take charge of
Explanation: The new manager promised to be responsible for the accounting department’s performance and make any necessary improvements.
3. (C) Check on
Explanation: Before making any investment, John always checks the market trend and seeks advice from financial experts.
4. (A) Take care of
Explanation: When Sarah noticed that her friend wasn’t feeling well, she offered to handle the situation.
5. (A) Wrap up
Explanation: The company decided to finish the old project and start a new one after several rounds of discussions.