伊隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)是美國科技巨頭、企業家、投資者。他是SpaceX公司的創始人和執行長,該公司是美國首家商業航天公司,目標是實現負責任的資源回收和人類太空殖民。馬斯克還是Tesla公司的創始人、執行長和掌舵人,這是一家主要從事電動汽車和能量存儲的公司。他還是The Boring Company的創始人和執行長,該公司專門從事地下運輸系統的研究和開發。馬斯克是知名的企業家和投資者,在推動創新和改變世界方面有很高的成就。
📌The first step is to establish that something is possible; then probability will occur. (Elon Musk)
📙第一步是確立某事是可能的,然後可能性就會發生。 (伊隆·馬斯克)
📌When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. (Elon Musk)
📙當事情足夠重要時,即使機率不在你有利的情況下,你也會去做。 (伊隆·馬斯克)
📌You want to have a future where you're expecting things to be better, not one where you're expecting things to be worse. (Elon Musk)
📙你希望有一個未來,你期望事情會更好,而不是你期望事情會更差。 (伊隆·馬斯克)
📌It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get things done. (Elon Musk)
📙這不是關於錢。它關於你擁有的人,你的領導方式和你完成事情的多少。 (伊隆·馬斯克)

📌If you're trying to create a company, it's like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion. (Elon Musk)
📙如果你試圖創建一家公司,那就像烤蛋糕。你必須以正確的比例放置所有的材料。 (伊隆·馬斯克)
📌The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit. (Elon Musk)
📙布爾運算最好的地方就是即使你錯了,你只會偏差一點點。 (伊隆·馬斯克)
📌I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary. (Elon Musk)
📙我認為普通人可以選擇成為非凡的。 (伊隆·馬斯克)